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Neutrino Banner Middleware

@neutrinojs/banner is Neutrino middleware for injecting string content into source code files.

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  • Node.js v8.3+
  • Yarn v1.2.1+, or npm v5.4+
  • Neutrino v8


@neutrinojs/banner can be installed via the Yarn or npm clients.


❯ yarn add @neutrinojs/banner


❯ npm install --save @neutrinojs/banner


@neutrinojs/banner can be consumed from the Neutrino API, middleware, or presets. Require this package and plug it into Neutrino:

// Using function middleware format:
const banner = require('@neutrinojs/banner');

// Use with default options

// Also accepts options for webpack's BannerPlugin

// Usage shows the default values of this middleware:
neutrino.use(banner, {
  banner: `require('source-map-support').install();`,
  raw: true,
  entryOnly: true,
  // Override pluginId to add an additional banner plugin instance
  pluginId: 'banner'
// Using object or array middleware format:
const banner = require('@neutrinojs/banner');

// Use with default options
module.exports = {
  use: ['@neutrinojs/banner']

// Also accepts options for webpack's BannerPlugin

// Usage shows the default values of this middleware:
module.exports = {
  use: [
    ['@neutrinojs/banner', {
      banner: `require('source-map-support').install();`,
      raw: true,
      entryOnly: true,
      // Override pluginId to add an additional banner plugin instance
      pluginId: 'banner'


@neutrinojs/banner creates some conventions to make overriding the configuration easier once you are ready to make changes.


The following is a list of plugins and their identifiers which can be overridden:

Name Description Environments and Commands
banner Injects string content into application source code. all


This middleware is part of the neutrino-dev repository, a monorepo containing all resources for developing Neutrino and its core presets and middleware. Follow the contributing guide for details.